Program overview

BeLatin has established a forum for scholars and advocates interested in Economic Freedom and Economic Regulation, with a regional focus on Latin America and the US. These are scholars and advocates who wish to present and discuss papers on political and economic issues and whose work focuses on Law as an interdisciplinary discipline. The main goal of our first series of seminars is to influence public policy in Latin America by developing free market ideas with an informed and influential audience.

BeLatin was created to counter the influence of others groups in Latin America who favor government regulation and central planning. Unlike this efforts, however, BeLatin expects to be much more open to different political orientations and influential outside the academy.


Current members

BeLatin is a joint effort of UC Berkeley and Universidad Científica del Sur (Peru). It was founded by Prof. John Yoo (Director of the Public Law and Policy Program at UC Berkeley) and Oscar Sumar (Dean at Científica University School of Law and fellow of the Public Law and Policy Program at UC Berkeley) and now includes members from different nations. It has the invaluable program support by Raul Howe as Executive Director and Christopher Landau.

BeLatin takes the form of a membership organization for universities and think tanks. It is presided over by a board of directors.

John Yoo (UC Berkeley)

Founder and co-chair

Oscar Sumar (U. Científica)

Founder and co-chair

Christopher Landau (UC Berkeley)

Vice President of the board

Raul Howe (UC Berkeley)

Executive Director &
Member of the Board

Santiago Ortega (UEES)

Member of the board

Pamela Aguirre (UEES)

Member of the board

Marisol Millán Hernández

Member of the board

Pablo Alarcón Peña (UEES)

Member of the board

Jose Ramon Cossio Diaz

Member of the board

Patricia Kurczyn Villalobos

Member of the board

Fernanda Diez

Member of the board

Luis Carlos Ugalde Ramírez

Member of the board

Joyce Sadka

Member of the board

Ana Laura Magaloni Kerpel

Member of the board

Juan Martín Morando

Member of the board

Luis Antonio Orozco

Member of the board

Mónica Safar

Member of the board

Mariana Mureddu Gilabert

Member of the board

Foro BeLatin
"Perspectiva política, económica
y legal: México y América
Latina 2024 y 2025

Partners and sponsors

Partner institutions and individuals will be invited to join the organization or to participate in an individual symposium. Sponsors are very wellcome to contribute to our purpose in the region.